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A NEETS GUIDE TO THE PARALLEL WORLD CHAPTER 1. This blog post delves into the intriguing world of “A Neet’s Guide to the Parallel World,” starting with Chapter 1. This captivating story introduces us to the protagonist, Hidaka, and sheds light on his challenges in the parallel world. Join us as we explore the exciting twists and turns that await Hidaka in this fantastical realm.


The Chime for Lunch and the Start of Bullying

The chime for lunch echoed through the school, marking the beginning of yet another day filled with torment and bullying for Hidaka. As if on cue, Saeki, the notorious troublemaker, made his way towards Hidaka, ready to exert his dominance again.

With his reddish hair, crosspiece earrings, and a button-up shirt casually open at the neck, Saeki exuded an air of arrogance. He was known for his intimidating presence. And the fear he instilled in others. By his side stood Kida, Saeki’s loyal lackey, who eagerly joined in on Saeki’s demands.

“Yo, Hidaka, go buy me some juice,” Saeki commanded, his voice dripping with entitlement.

Not wanting to provoke Saeki’s wrath further, Hidaka reluctantly complied. The weight of the situation was palpable as Hidaka realized there was no escape from his daily torment.

Kida, playing his role as the faithful follower, chimed in, “Hey, while you’re at it, get some for me too, Hidaka.”

Hidaka’s heart sank, knowing that his tormentors controlled his actions. He was trapped in a vicious cycle. And constantly reminded of his position at the bottom of the social hierarchy.

This is Kida, Saeki’s lacking. Despite not having piercings, he has a long neckline and orange-dyed hair similar to Saeki’s.

These two take advantage of me every day at this time. 

“Sure, is it alright if it’s carbonated?”

When I ask myself, “Is it okay if it’s carbonated.” I wonder why I’m taking into consideration how they feel. Slavery has been ingrained in me for a long time. And so that I can say something like that. The above is all idle complaining; I never discuss it publicly. 

Two years later, I am still their slave because I have been since the day I entered high school. As a result, I act like we are friends and don’t admit I am being bullied. To justify my actions, I claim that I am not forced to do so. Nonetheless, I cannot tell myself lies. The other students should have known that I was being bullied in class. It is easy to pass through the days without thinking about them.

“Saeki, are you bullying Hidaka again? “Aren’t you embarrassed being pushed around like that as a high school student? ”

She’s the class representative, Kawachi. She has a strong sense of Justice. Her black hair was gathered into a bun behind her head, and her eyes. And gleaming with the light of Justice, peeked out from behind red-rimmed glasses. She had the appearance of a hypocrite. 

“What are you talking about? He’s just going to buy some juice for us? Hey Hidaka, we’re friends right?”

Saeki is quite crafty; while frivolous, he’s capable of studying. This means he only hits your stomach; even if angry, he won’t hit you in the face. When buying the juice, you must pay for it yourself. 

“Yeah you’re just misunderstanding, we’re really close friends.” Kida chimed in.

You never thought of me as a friend even once. Of course, it’s the same for Saeki, but Kida is truly an idiot. It’s a natural conclusion: Kids go along with whatever Saeki does. He wouldn’t think to bully me on his own.

There is nothing as bad as the subconscious.

“Hidaka don’t stay quiet, if they are bullying you speak up. If you don’t neither I nor the teachers can help you.”

In search of favor, the hypocrite attempts to come to my rescue. 

“They’re not bullying me.”

With a bitter smile, Kawachi loudly sighed at my words. 

“Hidaka, is everything really ok?”

“I don’t understand what you’re asking me.” 

I left the classroom, leaving behind those words. We could hear Saeki’s ridiculous laughter from the corridor, followed by Kita’s stupid laugh. What’s so fun about putting down another human? No, the point is they find it fun…. The bullying won’t stop.

Perpetrator, victim, spectator, bystander.

In other words, there is no uninvolved party when it comes to bullying. Each one works together, and as a result, I am bullied. At least, that’s what I want to say, but the reality is different. 

It’s okay if it’s fun; it’s okay as long as you can look down on others. That’s why I’m not in front of the vending machine. Instead, I came to the roof. 

Most schools restrict roof access, but the one I attend does not. Almost as if saying, ‘if life gets difficult feel free to jump at any time.’

I probably shouldn’t say things like that. I must be weird, or maybe I’m just crazy. 

“I’m not the one who’s crazy, it’s this world that’s crazy.”  

Even if I say that, it changes nothing. 

I can see the sky through the fence. Climbing to the other side, I close my eyes and deeply breathe. Inside the fence were various students eating lunch and talking with their friends. 

“Hey, look! Isn’t that dangerous?”

“Shouldn’t we call a teacher?”

That’s right, I’m about to kill myself after all. It got noisy as they rushed from the roof. I wonder what drives them; after all, it’s just one person’s life. Even if you bring a teacher, I’ll be free before they arrive.

The sky is always a beautiful gray color, and the ground and asphalt are the same color. Just for today, I wanted it all to be a different color. 

“You understand right. Why I’m I’m going to jump.”

Even though they couldn’t hear me, I asked the question. But it’s too late; It would have been better to do it earlier. A lot earlier.

“Well, goodbye everyone.”

Leaning forward, I jumped and fell upside down. It’s not that I wanted to die. I didn’t want to live. You probably wouldn’t understand the difference. 

I’m falling now; soon, I’ll disappear. It will be as though I never even existed. I could see the roof as I fell my back towards the ground. It felt as though my consciousness was slipping away. 

At that time, a bright light appeared. It filled up my vision, blinding me. I became unable to think. 


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